Look at how quickly this situation escalates.  It’s like a switch has been flipped.

Shark eats the fish as well as the end of the pole spear, the diver goes down to retrieve the polespear and then all hell breaks loose.

Kudos to the diver for coming out of this nerve-wracking incident relatively unscathed.  He did everything to stay out of those jaws.

Well done.

Not many people can say that they have had a fist fight with an angry shark.

It could have been a lot worse than 4 stitches.

Here is what Brandon had to say about what happened:

“We were spearfishing and this shark was in the area for a while. He kept to himself mostly. Until my friend @h2oman04 shot a grouper then the shark charged him in an attempt to take the fish. He was able to fend him off until the surface where the shark finally got ahold of the fish (along with his Riffe pole spear) the shark was now swimming with the spear sticking out of his mouth. I dove down in an attempt to grab the back of the spear and push it out of the sharks mouth. But The shark was agitated and turned towards me. When he turned at me I went to poke him with my pole spear to have him turn away… did not work at all. He immediately rushed me mouth open at my face (change of underwear needed). I pushed him up and away where he then turned at me again. I pushed my pole spear in his mouth to fend him off when he ended up catching the end of my finger and cutting me under my thumb. All in all I am very lucky and have God to thank. Could have been much worse than 4 stitches.”

First Person shark attack